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Manipal Hospital Master Health Checkup Voucher(Vijayawada)
Package Includes the following tests:
- Fasting Blood Sugar
- Post Prondial Blood Sugar
- Complete Blood Count
- Complete urine Examination
- Total Bilrubin
- Lipid Profile
- Creatinine
- Liver Function Test
- Blood Grouping &RH Type
- 2D Echo
- X-Ray Chest
- Ultra Sound Abdomen
- Pap Smear (For Women)
- Pulmonology Function Test
- Consultation With Physician
- Consultation With Gynecologist (for women)
- Consultation With ophthalmologist
- Consultation With Dietician
- Consultation With Dentist
please Mention the following details�in shipping instructions ( Its mandatory)
- Patient Name
- Patient Date of Birth
- Address and contact number
NOTE:�LEAD TIME FOR SHIPPING: 2 to 3 WORKING DAYS.�Health check up voucher is�valid for only 15 days from the date of issue.